Apr 30, 2024 • 3 min read

Day 2: Logs & Traces

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Jay Khatri

Day 2: Logs & Traces!

It’s Day 2 of launch week!

Checkout our launch video or keep reading!

Today we’re highlighting (no pun intended) several additions & improvements to our logging and tracing UIs.

First of all, if you’re looking to do more complex searches on the logs & traces UI (such as “does not exist”, “or”, etc..) we now support that!

SDK Images

Secondly, you can customize the columns on the traces and logs tables so that you can see the structured attributes that matter the most to you. Simply click the three dots on the right of each page and customize!

SDK Images

And lastly, we now support the same structured search UI on the errors and sessions pages that you're familiar with on the logs and traces pages as well.

If you have more feedback for us on any of the above please let us know!

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